Media Inventory Management: How to restore remaining media length (If you have lost the media ID mark)
When removing media without cutting the sheet or accidentally cutting off the media ID mark, you can reset the media remaining length by entering the restore ID displayed on Roland DG Connect.
* Media Inventory Management supported models: VG3-640/540, SG3-540/300 (Firmware version 2.4 or later)
* Media Inventory Management supported media: Transparent media and other media for which the sensor cannot read the remaining media ID mark are not supported.
1.Tap on the setup screen and select "Restore."
2.Enter the restore ID of the media you are using from the media list displayed in Roland DG Connect's Media Inventory Management and tap on "Search Restore ID" on the panel.
3.If necessary, correct the remaining length of media and tap on "Next."
The media setup is executed, and it becomes possible to print with the restored media remaining length.
Please refer to the following manual for detailed instructions on how to use this feature.
- How to subscribe to Premium Plan
- Overview of Media Inventory Management
- How to use Media Inventory Management feature
- How to set up new media for the first time
- How to set up media (using only Automatic acquisition of roll information)
- How to set up media (when using media setting & Automatic acquisition of media information)
-How to correct media remaining length